How Much Do Hot Tub Chemicals Cost Per Month?

How Much Do Hot Tub Chemicals Cost Per Month?

In the Long Term, Salt Water Hot Tub Systems May Be the Most Affordable

Salt water hot tubs use electrolysis to generate chlorine from salts to create sanitizer. It is a far more controlled system than the more traditional method of adding an amount of chlorine or bromine into the water to dissolve. With a system like the FreshWater™ Salt System*, much of the water care takes place whether you’re thinking about it or not. With a minimal need for treating the water directly, you have sparkling clean water always ready for you to climb in.

This offers many advantages over the traditional methods, including:

  • Constant water care requires less chlorine. Since chlorine is released constantly by salt, the chlorine levels remain steady—unlike the ups and downs of the chlorine level when you are adding it to a traditional system. This steady level means that less chlorine is needed overall.
  • A reduced level of chlorine means gentler water that stays fresh. Chlorine works by creating a weak acid, and when it bonds to other chemicals, it creates distinctive smelling compounds. Low levels of chlorine mean silky smooth-feeling water with less of a chemical smell. This lends itself to a more relaxing environment.
  • Hot tub water doesn’t need to be changed as often. Lower levels of chemical build-up mean that hot tub water stays fresh for longer, and it doesn’t need to be changed as often. This advantage presents direct savings in water and energy costs.

The benefits of salt water hot tubs may make them the most affordable hot tub water care system to operate overall—when you factor in all the related costs. The FreshWater™ Salt System, available on the Utopia® Series and Paradise® Series from Caldera® Spas, for instance, can keep your hot tub water fresh for up to a full year**.

The costs of adding chlorine regularly, changing your hot tub water every three to four months, and the energy cost of warming that water up just as often are no longer considerations if you own a spa with the FreshWater™ Salt System. When your hot tub water is easier to care for and to keep clean and ready, you’ll use it more often and see greater value in your investment.